Friday, 21 August 2015

“Multum in parvo…”(Much in little)

“Minima Maxima Sunt…”
 Learning this archaic language of Latin will leave you wondering about the ‘why’. It seems like quite a waste of time. Yet in the end it’s not all that bad.
‘Omnia causa fiunt’ – Everything happens for a reason. Latin is a beautiful language, the sound is sonorous and it’s the root of so many other languages. So, ‘Nil desperandum’ – Never despair. Even when there’s something you don’t really fancy doing, just go ahead and do it. After all, ‘Per aspera ad astra’ – it’s through difficulties to the stars!!! Now, in this short course of Latin, which was not so bothersome, come to think of it, I finally agree with the phrase: “Minima Maxima Sunt” – The smallest things are the most important.
So don’t leave out the little things in life. A simple smile, a cheerful ‘Good Morning’, a concerned ‘How do you do?’ or a spirited ‘Let’s have some fun’. Just ‘Carpe Diem’ – Seize the day and Have a blast!!!

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