Friday, 21 August 2015


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” We, the fathers, brothers and lay collaborators, here at Divyadaan began our journey to the Promised Land towards the end of the month of June. Right now as the curtain comes down for the last time on the Promised Land I am left with mixed emotions.
The journey has truly been amazing. The final show was ‘simply amazing’ in the words of our director Fr. Wyman Gonsalves sdb. But I cherish more the entire process of coming together to put up this musical. It has been an intense experience, a wonderful opportunity for me to take the stage after nine years and dance after ten long years. I enjoyed the special moments back stage with a very special cast. Each one of us had very unique experiences and when I requested, all of them took the trouble to pen down their experiences. So I would like place on record my thanks to Mrs. Verna, Mrs. Smitha, Ms. Rochelle, Ms. Shezney, Ms. Ritu, Sr.Valerie, Cls. Bosco, Christopher, Felix,  Telston, Volney, Jarnel and Arun. Each of them wrote such a lot that compiling it all became a quite a task. I will just mention briefly some adjectives that qualify our indescribable experiences and some of our learnings and sharings.             
 One of the common sentiments was that of gratitude for this wonderful opportunities. For the man who coordinated the entire show the assistant-director Cl. Bosco Carvalho sdb, it was an experience of being Moses, of surrendering to God and seeing the might hand of God, bring this play to fruition. For Moses (Cl. Felix A) it was a real experience of journeying to freedom from the chains of slavery to bias and misconceptions with the help of cast and community. For Aaron (Cl. Volney) it was an experience of God’s blessings, a chance to grow in confidence and an experience of Don Bosco’s words “Days fly for the cheerful”.
For Jochebed (Mrs. Smitha) It was a great experience of being encouraged, gaining confidence, making new friends and sharing life with the brothers who are caring and full of life. For Zipporah (Ms. Shezney), it was a journey from trepidation and hesitation to confidence, an experience of the light happy and joyful automosphere at Divyadaan, the positive vibes & the spark in the eyes of the brothers each doing the best in whatever role they had. For Mariam (Ms. Rochelle), it was an awesome experience of overcoming stage fear, learning to persevere, an experience of a  positive change in life. For Joshua (Cl. Arun), it was a learning  experience of hardwork, team work and bonding, an experience of weakness and sacrifice for freedom, an experience of God’s love and help  and encouragement of cast and community. For Nathan (Cl. Jarnel), it was a journey from bias to joy and satisfaction, an experience of fun composing music for the narrators song with Cl. Swithin, an adventure, an experience of team work, overcoming fear  and memory failure, above all, an experience of freedom. For Ramses (Cl. Telston), it was an experience of how God uses the weak to shame the wise, an experience of encouragement and support from the community. For Nefertari (Ms. Ritu), it was an experience of self discovery, team work, coordination and learning. For Pharoh (Cl. Christopher N), it was an experience of God’s Grace  to be able to act despite sickness, a journey from being afraid of being the villain to seeing a negative role as essential to God’s plan for his chosen people. For the Queen of Egypt (Mrs. Verna), it was an exciting experience of choreographing a belly dance for the first time, of interacting with brothers and fathers, of experiencing the wonderful atmosphere at Divyadaan especially on her birthday, of finding time to make short visits to the chapel and above all, an experience of peace, like a mental holiday.
“The promise land was what it was called.
  It made people from all walks of life get involved.
  ‘God is great’ was, is and ever will be our song,
  He who was playing music in our hearts like a sweet sounding gong.”
I guess much can be written about the play but it was a marvelous opportunity to give a message:“our God is a God of love who never forgets his people”. Though we may be like the Israelites selfish, trying to be self sufficient, grumbling despite of all the blessing and being unfaithful, GOD LOVES US!!!
“Theater is like a picnic on a bus.The seat you get is not important. Being a part of the whole experience and enjoying the journey is important.” Ultimately, it is not what we did in life that matters, but the bonds and connections you made that make life priceless. We may forget the songs of the play but the not the people, because
“There’s a miracle call friendship that dwells within the heart
  And we do not know how it happens or when it gets its start.
  But the happiness it brings you always gives you a special lift
  And you realize friendship is God’s most precious gift”.

Let us continue our journey to the promised land by the witness of our lives may each of us be another Moses leading those around us to the promised land. 

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