Friday, 22 January 2016

FILM EVALUATION: “Youth of Today”

Plot Analysis: The plot of this short film highlights the views and thoughts of today’s youth. There are five young people from different walks of life who express their views on five different current, relevant topics. The five persons are: Payal who is a fashion designer from Pune, Rahul a gay photographer, Shivani a 21 year old T.Y. B.Com student who has just ended a relationship and is now pregnant, Martin a 29 year old free thinker and Peter a young man who is HIV +ve. The topics they share their view about include: relationships, God, lifestyles, family and regrets. The climax of the movie highlights the underlying need for love in a passionate appeal from Peter to be loved and cared for.

Technical Analysis: The camera work is quite good. Though the settings are repeated, the different angles get you thinking that it might be a different place and this keeps your interest piqued. The sound track is just right. It fills in at the right times and matches the emotion of the scenes to perfection.

Sociological Analysis: The problems highlighted are all youth issues. The method of presentation is morally good. It gives the impression that no judgments are being passed but the message is quite clear in the last line by Peter. The shallowness and superficiality of the individual’s choices is also quite evident in their choices and the reasons for these choices. There are varying philosophies behind the various individual characters. Martin is a free thinker. Payal believes in the maturity of the individual and common moral standards.

Educational Analysis: The film can be used to raise awareness among young people of the pitfalls of the choices they make. It can be used to highlight certain social issues, to form in the young healthy attitudes to life and to make them realize the true source of happiness. Watching this film was an enriching experience for me as it presented the essence of life as the need for live, care and belonging.

Cl. Swithin Moraes SDB

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