Thursday, 15 October 2015

Integral Characteristics of Salesian Spirituality

                   Reflecting of our Salesian Spirituality, I have tried to highlight here some of the characteristics which I feel are essential. I have grouped them into the three themes we have been reflecting: Mystics of the Spirit, Prophets of Fraternity and Servants of the Young.
          When we begin to think of the Salesian Spirituality left us by Don Bosco, we must look at the two people who were crucial in the creation of this beautiful spirituality. They are St. Francis de Sales, the saint of gentleness whom Don Bosco took as a model and Mamma Margaret who instilled in the young Johnny Bosco much of his understanding of God, his style of prayer and most importantly the love of God and nieghbour.
Mystics of the Spirit
          At the core of the Salesian Spirituality is Union with God. The Salesian sees life as prayer. There is no dichotomy between life and prayer. Every decision is keyed on the question ‘What would Jesus do.’ There is always an invocation, a word of thanksgiving, a silent petition on the lips of the Salesian. This overflows into a deep Trust in Divine Providence. This is something that was a part and parcel of Don Bosco’s life. He began building basilicas while he was still in debt. The Salesian too relies on the Lord to provide for his work.  ‘Everything is the work of the Madonna.’ Don Bosco was known to say. The Salesian also looks at Our Blessed Mother as mother, teacher and guide. Life and prayer are characterized by a Filial devotion to MHOC. ‘Da mihi animas caetera tolle’ this was Don Bosco’s motto. The Zeal for Souls is at the root of the untiring work of the Salesian for the youth at risk. Don Bosco held up The Sacraments as the means to salvation and a sure path to obtain the grace to overcome sin. The Short Visits to the Blessed Sacrament is another practice of piety which Don Bosco offered his Salesians and young as a means to obtain many graces. For his Salesians, Don Bosco stressed a Devotion to the Church and the Vicar of Christ.
Prophets of Fraternity
          The Salesians of Don Bosco live out this Spirituality in a community and in the context of a larger community – the Salesian Family. Living together they follow the rule or the Constitutions of the Society of St. Francis de Sales. One of the important tenets of this community life is Family Spirit, where each individual is accepted and loved as a member of a family. It is this that makes each one welcoming, open, understanding and loving towards the other. Another characteristic is Optimism and Joy. This means that no matter what the difficulties and hardships faced with, the Salesian learns to look at the positive side of life and keep going this stems from a trust in the Lord and that he will see to the fulfillment of his works. It was said of Don Bosco that the more burdens and tensions he had the more cheerful and smiling he would appear. He also stressed on the fact that sanctity is about being cheerful. This characteristic of joy is the most appealing in the Salesian Spirituality. This is augmented by a spirit of Flexibility and Creativity in all our works. Flexibility is essential for the smooth functioning of the mission as well as of community. It is in our flexibility that we are able to understand the other and make love the other. The Salesian ministry oozes creativity. If not for this creativity, the young would not be so enraptured by the Salesian Spirit.
          As Christ called all to a servant leadership, the Salesian too is at the service of the young to whom he is sent. He follows Christ by forming in himself the Heart of the Good Shepherd. This fills him with the zeal to reach out to the lost, the last and the least. Each young person is unique and worth every effort we can make to reach out and enhance their life. This is expressed in the practical aspect of Salesian Presence. This refers to a presence that is animating and encouraging. The Salesian is always with the young as a friend and father, guide and teacher. A unique legacy that Don Bosco left us is the Salesian Preventive System. This comprises three crucial parts: Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness. Reason is the first pillar of the Preventive system. It implies that the Salesian should not be one who just makes rules but who explains to the young the why behind every rule. Being reasonable means being able to understand the young in their own situation. Religion is the second pillar which implies that the Salesian who is centered on Christ is able to give the young such an experience of his love. The Salesian must also strive to help the young understand God’s will for their life. The third pillar is Loving Kindness. The Salesian infused with the love of God reflects this love to the young. Don Bosco said, “That you are young is enough for me to love you.” Our mission is centered on the young and we are called to love them as they are and to challenge them to be the best they can be. Another wonderful tool that Don Bosco employed with his young was the Word in the ear. It is a method of correction that is personal and very effective. The young person knows that you want the best for them. They may not like to be corrected publicly so this means of correction is very effective.
          One can never say it all but I hope I have done justice to the main concepts of the Salesian Spirituality. In conclusion I need to mention that for the Salesian, Spirituality is about life lived as  a Contemplative in action. It is an Experience of Christ that forms in us the zeal to live life always in awareness of the Lord’s will for us.

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