Saturday, 27 June 2015

You May Call It ADVICE

“As an advisor advises I advise you not to advise”

Do you like being told what to do? That takes away your freedom and creativity. Have you ever experienced being told what to do? It is something like this. Young Frank opened a new shop (Frank Fish) to sell his fish. On the first day, his best friend Alan came to buy some fish and suggested to John that he put up a board announcing his wonderful produce. Frank was all excited and put up a board: ‘Fresh Fish Sold Here’. During the course of the week, other customers gave their expert opinion. John who was eager to please them all tried to follow everyone’s two pence. On one day he removed the word ‘here’ as no one would sell their wares in the next shop! On another day he removed the word ‘sold’ as no one provides anything without charge! On yet another day he removed the word ‘fresh’ as no one sold stale fish! And finally the word ‘fish’ as the fish could be smelt from down the road! So each one gave very logical advice, but put together it was totally impractical.

Well, I do not intend to push you to point where you do not listen to anyone but to a point where you listen to everyone and then decide for yourself. Do not be quick to give advice unless you are sure its sound… And just in case you think this is too much advice already, relax I’m not advising you just sharing some thoughts!!!

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


The journey of life is replete with ups and downs… Life is like a river that flows on and on. At times fast, slow, deep or swirling. But the water flows. Stagnant water symbolized death. Life without any growth means death.

Life is hard, never easy. Though there are moments of joy and celebration, there are also moments of sadness and mourning. What makes life difficult is that nothing comes on a platter, nothing comes free. The only path to success is hard work and honesty. Every other bridge is bound to collapse.

Life is complicated. Life is all about our relationships. The way we relate with others makes us who we are. Relationships are complicated because each individual is unique, each personality is different. Yet it is an integral part of human life.

Life is beautiful. When we step back and take a look at life, the mosaic that appears is beautiful. This is the mosaic of different people who have affected our life and have made a difference, people who mean a lot to us and have greatly influenced who we are.

Life is connected. Everything in life is a part of a chain. Nothing can be discarded or discredited. The choices we make affect who we are, who we will become. The experiences we have mould our views, our convictions and our personality.

Life is a journey that begins at our conception and ends at the grave. Then begins the next life… Till then let’s cherish and enjoy this life… Cheers to Life!!!